Pied Wagtail

Scottish Bird Diary

tha big box zone

currently designing site for mobile view

i am caught between a desire to learn responsive, accessible web design and a desire to create an incoherent mess so maybe the goal is to do both. at the moment i am picking colours from the old 216 web-safe colours. when i learn to create themes i'm going to make one with the CSS named colours too. i currently need to fix my menu for accessibility (swap label from h2 to another element, figure out what to do about checkbox keyboard focusing when the box is hidden)

shower thoughts

coding stuff on my phone is going to mess up my indentation

i think about what to call the things i make from wool and fabric and threads. should it be fibre art to put it on the same level of importance as other forms of art, or would it be better to say 'arts and crafts' and treat craft as an equally important word?
honestly, sometimes a hat is just a hat.

being on the internet means that fibre sometimes looks like an incorrect spelling

coding refs for later

section 1

my ravelry account